Category Archives: News

28th November 2014

Hi, Ann Marie and Bibilola here and we’re blogging about our week in Year 6. First, let’s talk about the best ever band ever – it’s called pentatonix, their music is breath-taking and touching. The song we listened to ‘Mary did you know?’ made me want to join in on the first chorus! Ms Jenkins introduced us to them when we listened to a song about Mary, mother of Jesus, while we were making nativity pictures.

This week in maths we did calculating with fractions. It was hard it first but then Ms Jenkins helped me. St Michael’s is such a good school; Ms Jenkins makes maths fun. Do you like maths?

See u next time on year 6 class blog, Blog u later!

This week in year 6 we have been learning about ratio and fractions. Today we have been dividing fractions by whole numbers. The way we do it is like this:

  • Change the whole number into a fraction so, ½ ÷ 4 becomes ½ ÷ 4/1
  • Then you ‘flip’ the second fraction so now you have ½ ÷ ¼
  • Then you swap the division sign for a multiplication sign
  • Finally you multiply the numerators and multiply the denominators so your answer is 1/8!

It’s actually much easier than you think at first. Have a go!

During playtime Year 6 like to play this game called ‘time bomb’. Time bomb is a game where you need a tennis ball. The way you play time bomb is when you throw the ball to someone. If they drop the ball they have to quickly pick up the ball and throw it at someone before 0 seconds! It’s quite hard! Our favourite games are time bomb and dodge ball. We’d love to hear about your favourite games!

Danita and O’Dane

From Elliot and Godwin:

Imagine a place where you work to your hearts content, enjoy delicious   lunches and are pushed to the wall by amazing teachers: St Michael’s is   that place!

Kiara and Stacey on Literacy this week!

In Literacy we are always looking for ways to improve our sentence structure. For example ‘she walked towards the window’ is boring so we can improve it by saying ‘slowly, she walked towards the window through which she could see the terrible view of trees whipping at each other like crazed zombies’. What do you think of that? It may not be perfect yet but that is an example of what we have been doing. Can you share any tips on how to improve your writing with us? We also learnt that one food way to start a story is by asking the reader to ‘Imagine…’ This is our sentence like that about a place called Paradise Island…

Imagine a place where everyone is friendly, where the sun is always shining and where everyone treats one another right: I’ve been to that place and this is my story’

What do you think? Would it make you want to carry on reading?



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Test blog

Year 6 will be posting their blogs here next week; watch this space!

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